Friday, May 13, 2011


These have been sprouting up all over the place. Honeysuckles are really cute plants, they have a pretty shape, and most of all the have something very yummy inside of them. When I saw my first honeysuckle, I didn't think much of it. Until I realize about the yummy shot of flavor each one has inside of it...well the ones that are fresh anyway. I'll have to make a tutorial on how to extract sweetness out of these cute little flowers.

I wonder if anyone ever got the idea to bottle up the nectar and put it in the market. Or beyond if it may have any medicinal properties.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eddie,
    We have a very fragrant bloom here in my country called Sampaguita. It is often used as a lei necklace flower and sold on the streets and in church courtyards. A popular offering placed on saint's statues and altars. I never thought to think of it as a food product until I learned of how a five star hotel chef turned it into designer icecream. It was on the news a couple of years back.
    The papaya fruit, on the other end, has ended up as a multi-million peso business after being discovered to be a good whitening product. Papayas now not only grace our tables, but also our bathrooms and dressers as soaps, lotions and other beauty products. So you might be onto something here. :D

    I'm glad to discover your blog. Keep posting specially the photos you take of the beautiful places you visit.

    Thank you very much. I enjoyed looking.
