Friday, May 27, 2011


This is a cartoon that I made on youtube. Go! Animate is cool program to use. It's really simple and fun to use, and you can make different types of cartoons with it. I may be able to use this and other programs that youtube has to offer, to make some creative content.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What A Muddy Hole

These pop around my yard from time to time. They have what we call craw dads which I guess is another name for crayfish. When I get a better camera, I'll try to take another shot and have a flash to see if I might be able to find anything inside.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

They Had Tea Together

I started this drawing not really having any idea what I was going to draw. I had a image of a man and woman sitting together inside a house, and went with it. This drawing is starting to become more than just a sketch.

I actually put this drawing up for a little while, I haven't worked on it in weeks, but I got it out again, and have been working on it again. I am going to do two things with this drawing: 1)Completely render it in pencil. 2) Paint it in Paintshop when I finally compete the line art.

Friday, May 13, 2011


These have been sprouting up all over the place. Honeysuckles are really cute plants, they have a pretty shape, and most of all the have something very yummy inside of them. When I saw my first honeysuckle, I didn't think much of it. Until I realize about the yummy shot of flavor each one has inside of it...well the ones that are fresh anyway. I'll have to make a tutorial on how to extract sweetness out of these cute little flowers.

I wonder if anyone ever got the idea to bottle up the nectar and put it in the market. Or beyond if it may have any medicinal properties.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Bear Caves In The Summer Time

Now this is the time to come here, when everything is green outside. Here at Petit Jean State Park, there is a fun place to go called The Bear Caves. I've got to come here again and do a more detailed shoot cause this place is really cool.

My Experience at Cedar Falls

If you've never been to Petit Jean Arkansas, then I suggest coming here sometime. Whether it's for a vacation, or just a weekend getaway, this is a fun place to go. And there is all kinds of stuff to do, hiking, fishing, site seeing, etc. This picture was taken at the Cedar Falls trail. Although this isn't the best time to come, and by that I mean during the dead of winter. But nonetheless it was an exciting adventure to say the least.

As you can see, the weather was not that warm. But in spite of the cold weather, the winding downhill trail to the stream, and the adventurous hike to the waterfall, I had a lot of fun.

This was taken, standing on a bridge that overlooks the stream that leads to the water fall. I'm not sure how deep it was by the bridge, but the way the weather was you didn't want to fall in for sure.

There are so many things to look at on your way to the waterfall. This was one of trees I found toppled over, there was another one before I got to the bridge, but I regrettably didn't capture it on camera. So many rocks! That's one thing you'll see plenty of here at Petit Jean. Some are big, and some are so enormous you can climb on them.

The stream here was just beautiful. I mean the natural disorder of the rocks, and the stream rushing over them really was a sight to see. I'd like to come here again, and take some more pictures when the weather is a lot nicer. Cause even at this time of the year it looked really nice.

This waterfall is beautiful. The picture really doesn't do the justice, I mean the sound of it all was awesome. I think there may be a way to actually get behind the waterfall, but I'm not exactly sure how to get there. Nevertheless it was an amazing time, something that I won't forget any time soon. The hardest part about the trip was the uphill climb to get back to the parking lot.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Green Bug

I found this one morning a year or so ago. I had never seen anything like it before. It has a beautiful green color. And a neat strip near the edge of its wings. It kind of reminds me of that butterfly from those Lunesta commercials.